NetBotz Software for NetBotz Appliances
Expand capabilities for enhanced remote management capability with advanced software
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Our Price: $177.00
Our Price: $497.00
Software for NetBotz appliances enhances the embedded feature set to include 2-way audio, audio recording and playback, camera masking (block-out), digitally signed video recordings, IP filtering, extended location fields, unlimited user names, and six levels of administrative privileges. Additionally, aggregate multiple NetBotz video feeds into a single view with InfraStruXure Central Surveillance Licenses.
All Premium Software Modules released during the term of an Extended Warranty Service Package are FREE and PERMANENT software downloads. Each PSM is a superset of all previous versions, which means that every PSM contains not only the functionality in its respective release, but the content of all previous releases as well.
Software Packs:
Advanced Software Pack #1
APC Part # NBWN0005:
Select NetBotz appliances can utilize an advanced software pack for enhanced UI functionality. The NBRK0551 includes the NBWN0005 out-of-the-box. The NBWL0455 and NBRK0451 are compatible too, but require the NBWN0005 to be purchased separately. The Advanced Software Pack #1 (NBWN0005) includes the following features:
- Two-way audio (only the 455 and camera pod)
- Audio recording and playback
- Digitally signed video recordings
- Camera masking (block-out)
- IP filtering
- Extended location fields
- Unlimited usernames
- Five levels of user privileges
Device Monitoring (Five Nodes) Pack
APC Part # NBWN0006:
Select NetBotz appliances can utilize a device monitoring pack for enhanced monitoring capabilities of SNMP/IPMI enabled devices. The NBRK0551, NBWL0455 and NBRK0451 are compatible with the SNMP/IPMI Device Monitoring (Five Nodes) Pack, which is available forpurchase separately (NBWN0006). An appliance can utilize a single NBWN0006, meaning, a maximum of five SNMP/IPMI devices can be monitored by an appliance.